Final Immunity Challenge - The Last EscapeGood evening Castaways,
Welcome to your final individual immunity.
Some of you might be expecting another endurance challenge, which would make sense, but endurance is only a portion of this final leg.
Over the next 24 hours, you will have to endure more than just posting every few minutes. You will essentially be competing in multiple challenges all at once. The way you manage your time & workload will be key in your success.
EnduranceFor the endurance portion of this challenge, you will have to post on this thread in 20 minute intervals. You will get 5 points for every interval you participate in. If you miss an interval, you will no longer be able to participate in this portion of the challenge & you will lose 5 points for every hour you miss. This starts at 6:00pm EST tonight & ends at 6:00pm EST tomorrow night (Saturday.)
PostingAnother way to score points is to make a thread in your Confessional titled "The Last Escape". Start posting in it as much as you can. You will get 5 points for every 300 posts you make. This starts at 6:00pm EST tonight & ends at 6:00pm EST tomorrow night (Saturday.)
Finders KeepersWe hid an idol on this forum (Not the one that says to post idol in blue). The first to find it & screenshot it in their Confessional will get 10 points. The 2nd person to find it will get 5 points & the 3rd person to find it will get 2 points. This starts at 6:00pm EST tonight & ends at 6:00pm EST tomorrow night (Saturday.)
Story TimeYou will have to write a story while you're doing all this. Your total score for your story will be added to your total score for this challenge, so make it good.
Your story has to be 500 words or more. It must have a title. It must be about SURVIVAL. It must include an Island in it & it has to be prehistoric. You must also include the words
Mannequin &
Rooftopin your story.
You have 12 hours to do this part. Your stories are due in your Confessional by 6:00am EST Saturday morning.
TV TimeYou have the next 23 hours to watch season one of
DinoTrux on Netflix. At 5:00pm EST on Saturday, I will post a list of questions about the show & you will get 1 point per correct answers.
Say What?At 11:00pm EST I will post quotes on this thread. You will have 30 minutes to submit your answers in your Confessional to score 2 points for every correct guess. The quotes will be split into quotes said during the season & quotes said by the jurors.
On Your ToesAt random times, one of the hosts can post a random question about the season on this thread. You will get points based on being correct & how fast you answer. We will let you know each time, how to submit etc.
Rules- Read each part carefully & follow the rules for each round as detailed
- Manage your time
- Best score overall will win immunity
Good luck!!!!