I have arrived!
Thank you so much for waiting for me to find the time to get back here. I also wanted to be able to answer on my computer because the phone is just too much work.
1. Who was your closest ally in the game?Beth. Easy answer. She was the only one I trusted 100% through the game. Even though I told a lot of other people I trusted them, that was never the full case.
2. Where do you think you went wrong this season ?Oh, that is easy. I hung on to Lucifer too long. I knew dancing with the devil was no good for me but I just needed to keep him going as long as I could. I tried very hard to appeal to his ego but -- LUCI IF YOU ARE READING THIS -- my God, you were a lot of work an exhausting!
3. At this point, is there anyone left in the game that you want to be eliminated next?Lucifer. LMAO Before leaving I cast a vote for him just to stir up his paranoia. Now, I can't seethe board, and I don't know if it worked, but it seemed like last night something was going on!
4. What qualities are you looking for in your ideal winner for the season?Someone who played HARD. In lieu of that, someone who tried to cross the tribal lines. Like Lafayette and Tweety. Two of the only people on the other side that I had any real conversations with. If not them, if Luci, Indy or Wendy can make it to the end, I'd see what they said and go from there. Opposite side? 100% the saucy ass Piglet. I LOVE HER.
5. Can you rank the remaining players on how likely they are to get your vote in the end and give a brief reason (could be a simple sentence)?Oh, that is a tough one.
1) Lucifer. I mean, all feelings aside, no one is working harder than the devil this season.
2) Indy. They took a lot of shots at him. He won immunity in the clutch, sending me home. Good for him if he can get to the end of this game.
3) Piglet. OINK!!!!! I love her moxy!
4) Wendy. She's a nice human being. Didn't piss off too many people. She's gonna have to sell herself hard.
5) Tweety. Queen of blending in. Well done, Tweeter! And so nice!
6) Lafayette. He would have to really sell his game to me. As nice as he was -- and as honest as he was with me when it mattered -- I didn't see a lot of game.
7) Gale. LMAO My dysfunctional marriage. I lied so much to Gale. She lied so much to me. And we both knew it.
Marceline and Cara tie. I never really got to know either of them.
6. Did you have fun this season? Any suggestions for a future season?I had the most fun!!!! I normally come into these games just defaulting to being a nice person. This time I tried to be a bit more of a dick and it was a BLAST!!!!! I would do it again and again!
Future seasons? Too many twists in the end. Maybe one idol blaster. Not a ton. And instead of just handing out idols, make people look for them. That was a whole lot of fun!!!
Thank you, all, again for the very best of times! It was a GAS!!!!