This whole day has been annoying and I'm not even going to talk about it except to say I'm seriously irritated by it and Truman. Now Shemar is a paranoid mess and running his mouth everywhere.
Nothing to do with this game, but I'm feeling overwhelmed in a life situation and I'm half hoping I get voted out so I have time to deal with this, but I would feel bad for just giving up. I don't want to leave Jessica alone, but my head hasnt been here since last night. Shes' my number one, but she's also causing a lot of issues. I wish we had just stuck to flapjack and made it easy because now it feels like merge is going to be psychotic.
I wish I could vent here, but I dont want people reading this later and knowing my personal life, so I'll just say that it's taking everything in me to not quit right now.